Employee Dress Codes

Look at your company from an outsider’s point of view. What do you see? This image will likely always include a workspace containing employees. Your employees represent your company. What do you want your customers, clients, and stockholders to perceive about your company after looking at employees? A dress code policy will ensure that your employees represent your company’s values.

On first mention a dress code may sound drab and elementary. No one wants to show up to work dressed like a private high school kid. But looking at dress codes from other angles reveal beneficial aspects.

Dress codes strive to create a productive work environment free of distractions. It helps eliminate the guesswork as you strive to build a targeted culture that reflects your vision and client base.

Therefore, the question becomes, what kinds of things should you include and leave out of dress code policies?

When establishing a dress code policy, it is important to consider all facets of an outfit as well as your current employee habits.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Which hats and head coverings are allowed in the workplace?
  • What hair styles and colors are permitted?
  • Do you want to place restrictions on makeup, perfume, cologne and jewelry?
  • Which shirts, blouses, and jackets fall in line with your dress code policy?
  • Do pants, shorts and skirts need to meet a certain standard? Should they be a certain material, make, length or color?
  • Which styles of footwear can your employees wear?

As you answer these questions you begin to form the basis of your new dress code. Each guideline should fall in line with your overall culture while also taking into account the type of interactions your employees will encounter on a daily basis.

For example, an external team required to make house calls or deliver product, will have different needs than a group based in a static office environment. These distinctions are important and will have a direct effect on your team’s ability to be successful.

In the answering services industry most of our team members are concentrated in specific locations. This reality makes it much easier to outline a company-wide dress code policy that meets our needs and is in line with our company culture. Building a professional image helps set a standard for our organization and an image for our team. We find that this type of approach helps promote consistency while also removing distractions from the work place.

Overall, work to create a dress code policy that benefits all aspects of your company. Your employees should be comfortable and satisfied with their daily dress attire. This attire should also be an accurate representation of your company. Ensuring these things will ensure a happy and successful company!

At PCMSI we believe that our team is our most valuable asset. As a veteran in the answering services industry we have learned over the years to focus on the positives and work through the challenges. If you do that then the rest will fall into place. Thank you for stopping by today and if you have any questions about our call center or how we may be able to help you find success then please feel free to reach out. Our team stands ready to help any way that they can.

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